Discover the heartwarming tale of Ami, a shy Japanese university student with a passion for baking, whose clumsy moment leads to an unexpected romance
Yuki, a stunningly beautiful 19-year-old, had always been self-conscious about her slightly crooked teeth. Despite her radiant smile, she felt it held her back from truly embracing her confidence. When her long-term boyfriend suddenly broke up with her, Yuki's world shattered.
Ami had always been passionate about baking, but she kept it a secret from most people. One day, her friend Akira stumbled upon this hidden talent during a casual conversation.
Kaede-Chan's Past Cute Flirty Etch! - After weeks apart, I finally met up with my girlfriend at our favorite park. We were both excited to see each other again. We spent the afternoon catching up, sharing stories about what we’d been doing while apart. We laughed as we fed the ducks by the pond, just like we used to